Train/dev/test set
Mismatched train/test distribution (real life)
- Make sure that dev and test sets come from the same distribution
Bias and Variance
Basic recipe for machine learning
- Check “high bias” (training set performance)
- Try bigger network
- Try to train longer
- Try different nerual network architecture
- Check “high variance” (dev set performance)
- Try to use more data
- Try regularization
- Try different neural network architecture
Logistic regression
Neural network
How doe regularization prevent overfitting
Dropout regularization
- No dropout when making predictions at test time
Why dropout work
Downside and solution
- Downside
- not well defined cost function so that it is hard to check downhill plot of cost function
- Solution
- Turn off dropout and check downhill plotting
- Then turn on dropout
Other regularization methods
Data Augmentation
Early Stopping
[Source] https://www.coursera.org/learn/deep-neural-network
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