

Neural style transfer


Cost function


Content cost function


  • Assume you use hidden layer l to compute content cost (choose middle layer l)
  • By using pre-trained ConvNet, forward propagate image C and image G.
  • Let a(l)(c) and a(l)(G) be the activation of layer l on the images
  • If a(l)(C) and a(l)(G) are similar, both images have similar content.

Style cost function

style correlation

  • Assume you use layer l’s activation to measure “style”
  • Define style as correlation between activations across channels (compute how correlated are the activations across different channels in each positions)
  • What does it mean when two channels are highly correlated?
    • correlation tells you which of these high level texture components tend to occur or not occur together in part of an image
    • if highly correlated, then high level texture components occur together in part of an image
  • this gives you a measure of how similar is the style of the generated image to the style of the input style image

Style matrix


Final Style cost function


[source] https://www.coursera.org/learn/convolutional-neural-networks



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