

Convolutional Neural Network 3

1 * 1 convolutions

  • Network in network
  • Use 1 * 1 convolution when you want to shrink the size of channel
  • similar as fully-connected layer

11conv 11conv_2

Inception Network

  • Idea : let the network learn whatever parameters it wants to use, whatever the combinations of these filter sizes it wants inception

  • Problem : Computational cost
  • Solution : using 1 * 1 convolution

problem solution

Inception Module


Practical Advice

  • Use open-source implementations
  • Use Transer Learning
    • Freeze pre-trained model and train last few layers that you want to target
    • If dataset = large, freeze few layers then train others
    • If dataset = very large, initialize weights with pre-trained weights, then train the whole pre-trained model
  • Data Augmentation
    • Mirroring on the vertical axis
    • Random cropping
    • Color Shifting
    • Rotation
    • Shearing
    • Local Warping

[source] https://www.coursera.org/learn/convolutional-neural-networks



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