[OS] Process 1


Process Part 1


  • An instance of program in execution
    • Program becomes process when executable file loaded into memory
  • Program is passive entity stored on disk, process is active
  • One program can become several processes (consider multiple users executing the same program)
  • Each process is identified using its process ID (PID)

From program to process


  • Each process has its own address space in memory
  • The program code, also called text section
    • A register called Program Counter(PC) points to the instruction that is currently executing
  • Data section containing global variables
  • Stack containing temporary data
    • Function parameters, return addresses, local variables
    • Pointed by Stack Pointer (SP) register
  • Heap containing memory dynamically allocated during run time

Process State


As a process executes, it changes state

  • new : The process is being created ( by fork() )
  • running : Instructions are being executed
  • waiting : The process is waiting for some event to occur ( queue )
  • ready : The process is waiting to be assigned to a processor ( queue )
  • terminated : The process has finished execution

Process Control Block (PCB)

  • Information associated with each process (also called task control block)
  • Each PCB represents a process (loaded on main memory) pcb
  • Process state : running, waiting, etc …
  • Program counter : location of the instruction to execute next
  • CPU registers : contents of all process
  • CPU scheduling information : priorities, scheduling queue pointers, etc …
  • Memory managment information : memory allocated to the process
  • Accounting information : CPU used, clock time, etc …
  • I/O status information : I/O devices allocated to process, list of open files, etc …

Context Switch

  • Context of a process represented in the PCB
  • When CPU switches to another process, the system must save the state of the old process and load the saved state for the new process using a context switch
  • The system does no useful work while switching
  • The more complex OS and the PCB, the longer the context switch (longer latency)
  • Time dependent on hardware support

CPU switch


  • Cpu do nothing while context switching

Threads (detail in CH4)

  • Process has a single thread of execution
  • All program have at least one thread
  • Multiple threads
    • operate independently
    • program counter(PC) exist per thread
    • 1 PCB exist (1 process)

Process Scheduling

  • Goal : Maximize CPU use, quickly switch processes onto CPU for time sharing
  • Process scheduler selects among available processes for next execution on CPU
  • Maintains scheduling queues of processes
    • Job queue : set of all processes in the system
    • Ready queue : set of all processes residing in main memory, ready and waiting to execute
    • Device queue : set of processes waiting or an I/O device schedule


  • Short-term scheduler (CPU scheduler)
    • selects which process should be executed next and allocates CPU
    • sometimes the only scheduler in a system
    • invoked frequently, so must be fast
  • Long-term scheduler (job scheduler)
    • selects which processes should be brought into the ready queue
    • invoked infrequently, so may be slow
  • Processes can be described as either:
    • I/O bound process: spends more time doing I/O than computations
    • CPU bound process: spends more time doing computations
    • Long-term schedulers strives for good process mix of I/O and CPU bound jobs(make all busy)
  • Medium-term scheduler (multiple programming)
    • Remove process from memory, store on disk, bring back in from disk to continue execution (swapping) medium

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