[OS] Memory Management 2


Memory Management Part 2


  • Permit the physical address space of a process to be non-contiguous
  • Divide physical memory into fixed-sized blocks called page frames or frames
  • Divide logical address space into the same sized blocks called pages
    • Usually, pages(or frames) size is a power of 2 (typically 512B ~ 8KB)
    • Some systems allow huge pages
  • To run a program of size n, find n free frames and load the program
  • Set up a page table to translate logical to physical addresses
  • OS keeps track of all free frames


  • Still, some internal fragmentation exists
    • page size = 4KB
    • process size = 72,766 bytes
    • 72,766 bytes / 4KB = 17 pages + 3,134 bytes
    • Internal fragmentation : 4,096(page size) - 3,134 = 962
  • If small frame sizes
    • need more mapping entries in the page table

Page Tables

  • Each process has its own page table (page table : process level)
    • Page-table base register (PTBR) points to the base address of the page table
  • Managed by OS, accessed by MMU
  • One page table entry (PTE) per page in virtual address space
  • Map Virtual Page Number (VPN) to Page Frame Number (PFN)
    • VPN : An index into the page table
    • Virtual address = <Virtual Page Number(VPN), Offset>
    • Physical address = <Page Frame Number(PFN), Offset>


Address Translation

  • Address generated by CPU is divided into Page number(p) and Page offset(d)
  • Page number : used as an index into a page table which contains base address of each page in physical memory
  • Page offset : combined with base address to define the physical memory address that is sent to the memory unit

page address

  • Suppose page size = 4KB, memory size = 256KB
  • Number of page frames?
    • Page size = 4KB = 2^12 Bytes, memory size = 256KB = 2^18 Bytes
    • Number of page frames = 2^18 / 2^12 = 64 q1
  • How many bits needed for memory address?
    • 18 bits
  • How many bits needed for page number and page offset?
    • 6 bits for page number(000000 ~ 111111)
    • 12 bits for page offset

Page Table Entry (PTE)


– V (Valid) bit says whether or not the PTE can be used

  • It is checked each time a virtual address is used – R (Reference) bit says whether the page has been accessed
  • It is set when a read or write to the page occurs – M (Modify) bit says whether the page is dirty
  • It is set when a write to the page occurs – Prot (Protection) bits control which operations are allowed
  • Read, Write, Execute, etc. – PFN (Page Frame Number) determines the physical frame


  • Separate page table for each process
    • On context switch, PTBR is set to the corresponding process’s one
    • No way to access the physical memory of other processes
  • Page-level protection – Memory protection is implemented by associating protection bits with each PTE – Valid / invalid bit
    • Valid: the page is in the process’ address space and in use
    • Invalid: the page is not allocated – Finer level of protection is possible for valid pages
    • Read-only, read-write, or execute-only protections

Page Table Structure

  • High space overhead for page tables – A 32-bit address space with 4KB pages, 4 bytes/PTE:
    • 2^20 x 4 = 4 MB per process – A 64-bit address space with 8KB pages, 8 bytes/PTE:
    • 2^51 x 8 = 254 = 16 PB per process!
  • Page tables are too big to fit in a single page – 4 byte/PTE à 1024 PTEs/4 KB page à 4 MB address space

Page Table Solution

  • Split the entire page table into smaller page table pieces
  • Only map the used portion – Deploy additional indirection levels to locate the page table pieces


Hierarchical Page Tables


Pros – Compact while supporting sparse-address space

  • Page-table space in proportion to the amount of address space used – Easier to manage physical memory
  • Each page table usually fits within a page – Easier for hardware to walk though page tables – No external fragmentation Cons – More complex than a simple linear page-table lookup

Hashed Page Table

  • Virtual Page Number is hashed into a page table
  • The page table contains a chain of VPN that falls into the same hash bucket


Inverted Page Tables

  • Reverse mapping from PFN à <VPN, PID> – One entry for each page frame in physical memory – Entry consists of the virtual page number with information about the process that owns that page – Need to search through the table to find match – Use hashing to limit the search to one, or at most a few, page-table entries
  • Pros & Cons – Decrease memory needed to store page tables: No need to have per-process page tables – Increase time needed to search the table on a TLB miss

Translation Look-aside Buffer (TLB)

  • Address translation through page tables takes long
  • On a 3-level page table, an address lookup requires 3 memory accesses, one access for each level
  • Hardware support to accelerate the address translation
  • A cache with 32-1024 entries (TLB entries: <page #, frame #>)


  • On a TLB miss, MMU walks through the page table, and store the translation result in TLB
  • On a TLB hit, MMU can convert VA to PA without walking through the page table
  • On a context switch, TLB should be flushed – Each process has its own VA to PA mapping – Thus, cannot share TLB entries between processes
  • Some TLBs with address-space Identifiers (ASIDs) allows to coexist TLB entries from different processes

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