[OS] Synchronization 2


Types of Semaphores

  • Binary semaphore (mutex)
    • Semaphore value is initialized to 1
    • Guarantee mutually exclusive access to resource
  • Counting semaphore
    • Semaphore value is initialized to N
    • Represent a resource with many units available
    • Allow threads to enter as long as some units are available

Classical Problems of Synchronization

  • Bounded-buffer problem
  • Reader and writers problem
  • Dining-philosophers problem

Bounded buffer Problem (Producer / consumer problem)

  • There is a set of resource buffers shared by producers and consumers
  • Producers insert resources into the buffer
  • Consumers remove resources from the buffer
  • Producers and consumers execute at different rates

  • No synchronization case


  • Using mutex or semaphore case



Readers-Writers Problem

  • Sharing resource among multiple readers and writers
    • An object is shared among several threads
    • Some threads only read the object, others only write it
    • We can allow multiple readers at a time
    • We can only allow one writer at a time
  • Implementation with semaphores
    • readcount : # of threads reading object
    • mutex : control access to readcount
    • rw : exclusive writing or reading


  • If there is a writer
    • The first reader blocks on rw
    • All other readers will then block on mutex
  • Once a writer exits, all readers can fall through
    • Which reader gets to go first?
  • The last reader to exit signals waiting writer
    • Can new readers get in while writer is waiting?
  • When a writer exits, if there is both a reader and writer waiting, which one goes next is up to scheduler

Dining Philosophers Problem

  • Each philosopher repeats forever:
    • Thinking
    • Pick up two forks (chopsticks) -> left first, if can’t then wait
    • Eating
    • Put down two forks (chopsticks)


  • Deadlock occur
    • Mutual Exclusion : A chopstick can be used by one philosopher at a time
    • Hold and wait : Philosophers hold one chopstick and wait for the other
    • No preemption : Nobody can take other’s chopsticks
    • Circular wait : All philosopher wait for their right-side chopstick


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