[OS] Synchronization 1
Synchronization Background
- Processes can execute concurrently
- Concurrent access to shared data may result in data inconsistency (ex.multi-threads in a process OR multi-processes with shared memory)
- Maintaining data consistency requires mechanisms to ensure the orderly execution of cooperating processes
Synchronization Problem
- Two or more concurrent threads(or processes) accessing and manipulating a shared resource create a race condition
- Race condition may lead to non-deterministic results
- OS is full of such a shared resource
- The output of the program is not deterministic, it varies from run to run even with same inputs, depending on timing
- Hard to debug… (“Heisenbugs…”)
Critical Section
- A critical section is a piece of code that accesses a shared resource
- Need mutual exclusion for correct execution with critical sections
- Execute the critical section atomically (all or nothing)
- Only one thread at a time can execute in the critical section
- All other threads are forced to wait on entry
- When a thread leaves a critical section, another can enter
- An object (in memory) that provides mutual exclusion with the following two operations:
- acquire() : wait until lock is free, then grab it
- release() : unlock and wake up any thread waiting in acquire()
- Using locks
- Lock is initially free
- Call acquire() before entering a critical section, and release() after leaving it
- acquire() does not return until the caller holds the lock
- On acquire(), a thread can spin(spinlock) or block(mutex)
- At most one thread can hold a lock at a time
Requirements for Locks
- Correctness
- Mutual exclusion : only one thread in critical section at a time
- Progress : if several threads want to enter the same critical section, one must be allowed to proceed
- Bounded waiting : starvation-free, must eventually allow each waiting thread to enter
- Fairness
- Each thread gets a fair chance at acquiring the lock
- Performance
- Time overhead for a lock
Initial implementation of Spinlock
- mutual exclusion problem!
Implementing Locks
- Software-only algorithms
- Dekker’s algorithm (1962)
- Peterson’s algorithm (1981)
- Lamport’s Bakery algorithm for more than two tasks (1974)
- Hardware atomic instructions
- Disable interrupts
- Hardware atomic instructions
Second attempt to implement spinlock
- progress problem!
Peterson’s algorithm
- solves the critical section problem for two tasks
- Mutual exclusion : Only one thread in critical section at a time
- Progress : One will enter the critical section right after the other releases
- Bounded waiting : Eventually allow each waiting thread to enter
Synchronization (Hardware support)
- Peterson’s algorithm assumes load and store are atomic, but modern computer architectures are so complicated (some does not support atmoic)
- Peterson’s algorithm only works in two-thread case
- So we might be able to implement a correct locking mechanism based on hardware-provided atomicity
Disabling Interrupts
- Preemption breaks the atomicity, thus we can prevent context switching by disabling interrupts
- But, only kernel can enable/disable interrupts
- Not practical in multiprocessor environments (take long to enable/disenable interrupts from all processors)
Atomic Instruction
- Read-modify-write operations guaranteed to be executed “atomically”
- Test-And-Set Instruction
- returns the old value of a memory location while simultaneously updating it to the new value (ex. xchg in x86)
Simple spinlock implementation using Test-And-Set instruction
Compare-And-Swap (cmpxchg in x86)
- Update the memory location with the new value only when its old value equals to the “expected” value
- Return the old value
Mutex Lock
- Mut(ual) ex(clusive) lock : acquire() to lock, release() to unlock
- busy-wait version (spinlock) or block version
- usually implemented using the hardware-supported atomic instructions
- A lock mechanism that keeps spinning until it acquires the lock
- Disadvantage
- Busy waiting burns system resources
- If the lock holder is preempted …
- Advantage
- Simple to implement
- Does not require a context switch (good for protecting short critical sections)
- A synchronization primitive higher level than locks
- Has an integer value S indicating its state
- Determines the behavior of semaphore operations
- Up to S tasks can grab the semaphore simultaneously
- Operations
- wait() : decrease S by one, and wait until S >= 0
- signal() : increase S by one
Implementing Busy-waiting Semaphore
- wait() and signal() are critical sections, but ++ and – are not atomic
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